Supporting our bodies, one drop at a time.
What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are oils extracted from plants from either cold-pressing, steamed, or resin distillation. The oil has chemical compounds that capture the plant's scent and flavor, or “essence.” The unique aromatic compounds give each essential oil its characteristic and act as the plant's blood system that carries all of its nutrients. The oil of the plant works as the plant’s own immune system. As a plant can not call up a doctor when it gets sick or an intruder invades, so nature has designed plants to be able to protect themselves with their own essential oil, which acts as its immune system & is filled with amazing nutrients.
What is great about essential oils is that they work very well with our cells and immune system. So we can use them Aromatically, Topically, or Internally to help support our bodies’ natural systems & wellness too!
Why do we use Essential Oils in our practice?
Here at Perpetual Health, we use essential oils in all of our sessions so we can enhance our client’s healing abilities! When using EO for a therapeutic approach it is important to make sure you’re getting high-quality oils. That’s why here at PH we only use Young Living Essential oils.
“After using EO for over 11 years in my experience, I realized there is something different about Young Living. They are stronger, purer, and seem to work faster & better than other oils on the market. I noticed Young Living Oils seem to have a pattern of creating miracles and helping so many people feel amazing. They truly are the “top-of-the-line” oils on the market today and have been for years, the leading pioneers in the industry for creating standards in quality. YLEO goes above and beyond market standards and has a "SEED to SEAL" promise on every bottle. I never realized the true power of plants until I was able to use YLEO and apply them to my clients every day. It is Young Living’s passion and integrity for plants, the earth, animals, and humanity that draws me closer to this company every day. There is no doubt that is why YL stands as the pioneer and world leader in essential oil companies, and at the end of the day, I know that the oil I'm using on myself and my clients is safe and that I can trust creates therapeutic results.’’
To find out more about the quality processes check out Seed to Seal
How did we get started with Essential Oils?
After struggling with anxiety and depression, it was in 2009 that Kirsten decided to take a leap and go to school for Therapeutic Massage and Integrated Health Care to see if she could learn to manage her anxiety naturally. This was the turning point in her life in so many ways and is where she was introduced to essential oils. She acquired more knowledge and skills about the body and natural health care that she never even knew existed within this two-year program! Not only did she learn about essential oils and aromatherapy in her curriculum, one of her friends in class always came in smelling amazing and already was using Young Living Essential Oils in her life and during her studies. Kirsten said “We all gravitated toward her, the aroma stimulated us all in such a positive way. Of course, she shared with us at different times, while we studied and we all did great on our tests, after lunch and our digestion was supported, to stimulate us after a 3hr lecture and we could focus again, there was just something about these oils and all of us classmates kept coming back for more! I was amazed at how these oils made me feel. It wasn't long after that I decided that these oils were an amazing tool in supporting my well-being and could enhance my massage sessions and support my clients too! So I became a part of the YL family and haven’t been without oils since! Today, I’ve helped hundreds of my clients and community how to ditch the chemicals and incorporate a healthy sustainable lifestyle using essential oils and plant-based products! I love seeing peoples lives get healthier, more vibrant, and seeing them have the energy and wellness they deserve!”